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Emergency of isoko youth revolution


In this write-up, you will read about the following topics:

1. The birth of the Isoko National Youth Movement (INYM)

2. The Radicalization of the hitherto quiet and private Fred Obe

3. The Origin of the Militarization of the Isoko Youth’s Movement

4. Graphic Details of the MOST DARING YOUTHS ACTION that has taken place in Isoko

5. The Isoko Charter

6. How the nation and the international Community reacted to the Isoko Youth’s action

7. An Analysis of the difference between current youths agitation in different ethnic groups and the Fred Obe revolution

8. A detailed look at the Isoko Charter with a view to carrying out a robust analysis of gains made so far and areas where serious improvement is needed.

9. Salient points gleaned from the Isoko Charter

10. Position of the Isokos in the Niger-Delta Struggle

11. Pan-Isoko Patriotism


The discovery of this document and details of events that led to the preparation of the document, and events that took place after it has been widely circulated to the world left me seriously overwhelmed. Overwhelmed because of the uncommon acts of bravery, courage, sincerity, foresight, selflessness, sacrifice and unparrelled patriotism that was on display then as opposed to the current selfishness, pursuit for self-aggrandizement, traitorous spirit (AKA dog eat dog) and cowardice among the youthful generation that are supposed to carry the flag forward.

Let me quickly say that since I ‘‘enrolled’’ into the Fred Obeism school of Thought, I used to be an undergraduate but the recent findings has catapulted me to become a post-doctoral fellow in the Fred Obeism school of Thought. I hope after reading this piece, many more Isoko youths will voluntarily enrol into this Fred Obe school of Thought where Valour, Selfless Sacrifice, Courage, Sincerity, Foresight and Patriotism yet to be rivalled are its core values.

Before I proceed further, let me make this solemn appeal to Barr Fred Obe: Dear FM, having discovered all the selfless sacrifice you have made for the Isoko nation, I plead with you profusely to stir clear of the murky waters of elective politics. I can’t deprive you of your right to partisan politics but I plead profusely sir, do not reduce yourself to contesting elections. Elections is for ordinary humans. Every ethnic group or race have role models and heroes whom the upcoming generation look up to imbibe some sacred virtues that those role models stand for. Such role models have been placed above the realm of humans; they are superhumans and most times very highly venerated. The Indians have Ghandi. The Cubans have Fidel Castro. We know what Martin Luther King jnr represent to the Afro Americans. South Africans have Mandela. The Ogonis have Ken Saro Wiwa and the Ijaws have Adaka Boro. Fred you belong to this realm of superhumans given the enormous sacrifices you have made for motherland


On the 27th of November, 2016 ( Fred Obe’s birthday), I wrote a detailed article on Fred Obe’s motivation for the formation of the INYM and the support they got from the IDU and prominent Isoko leaders like the late Chief Mallam-Obi. You can read up those details in the link below.

The only new thing I want to touch about the formation of INYM is that it was something like a marriage of convenience between the ‘‘Monrovia’’ group and the ‘‘Casanblanca ’’ group. One of the groups had a vision of forming a Youths’ body that will gbege the oil companies so that they can be employed in the oil companies or in the Oil Contracting companies. Fred Obe however had a bigger picture in mind beyond securing employments: Fred wanted to draw the attention of the world to the age-long marginalisation and deprivation which the Isoko people were suffering in the hands of the government and the multinational oil companies especially SPDC by carrying out a major action that will compel them to start embarking on meaningful positive actions in Isokoland. Due to the differences in the visions of the two groups, it was difficult at times to persuade them on the need to embark on the action such as you will soon read about. Fred however devised an ingenious way to circumvent the setbacks that lengthy arguments and reluctance to buy into his vision was going to cause (more on this later).


Not many people know that there exist TWO Fred Obes in Isoko. The first one is an Ozoro indigene, ex Speaker of the Ozoro Youths Association, former student of Law at the University of Lagos who is a very quiet and private person whose books are his most treasured companion. This Fred Obe is not known to many people. The other Fred Obe? Everyone knows him. To some, he is a monster. A dictator. He has been different things to different people. So many things have been written and said about him. Most of the things that has been said about him though have been said from a position of ignorance about the true Fred Obe. The truth however is that the first Fred Obe and the ‘monster’ Fred Obe are one person who manifested different forms at different times to best master the hostile environment he operated in.

So what led to the transmutation of the otherwise quiet and very highly private Fred Obe to the other version? The Environment. Fred operated under very hostile environment especially the moment the information of his planned dare-devil youths’ action leaked to some prominent men in Isokoland. A couple of incidences stand out and are worth mentioning here.

The first one was a meeting at a palace in one of the communities in Isoko south. All the traditional rulers (probably under pressure from SPDC and the military government to stop Fred) were there. Fred has been summoned to be warned not to dare carry out the planned Youths action. One particular traditional ruler from Isoko South was the most vocal, issuing all the threats to cow Fred and his team. Then it was Fred’s turn to talk: Silence everywhere.

‘‘ Whai kpobi na ova eda’’ (meaning all of you are wearing the face of a witch) was Fred’s opening remark to the traditional rulers. That was the first act of radicalism displayed by Fred (and all the youths were proud of the uncommon courage displayed in the face of such kind of intimidating assembly. The youths went to town with ‘‘Whai kpobi na ova eda’’). He addressed them in a manner never seen before by accusing them of receiving patronage from SPDC, such as hampers during festive periods and secret scholarships for their children, at the expense of their subjects. He then informed them unequivocally that the planned action will take place. That meeting ended in a stalemate but the traditional rulers were not done yet. They resolved that each of them should go back home and activate all community’s administrative organs to stop their own youths. The traditional ruler with the most massive task was one of the traditional rulers in a community in Isoko North. His task was to stop the now recalcitrant Fred Obe at all cost.


The venue is a palace in one of the communities in Isoko North. A meeting of all organs of the community was convoked at the palace and Fred was summoned so he can be intimidated to submission. All apparatus of community coercion were seriously arrayed against Fred. The meeting had one mission: coerce Fred to abandon the planned action. Sensing that failure to cave in might put his life in jeopardy at that gathering, Fred rose up to address everyone that he has now been persuaded to abandon the planned action and any form of youths’ activism. He informed them that he has made up his mind to return to his school at Unilag and focus on his studies. He however asked that he be given 3 days to go back to his exco to let them know of the new position since the planned action was a collective action of all Isoko youths. Persuaded that Fred has been finally broken down, they let him go.

Fred however had other ideas: the plans for the proposed youths’ action had reached an advance stage that he was not ready to allow any organised community opposition to be the cause of his failure. While at the palace, he realised that there is a compelling need for him to have a quasi military back up if he must see his vision to emancipate the Isoko nation from the grip of deprivation and marginalisation through.

That night, while the community leaders where asleep, Fred was working tirelessly from the house of one youth to the other. By the next morning, about 300 youths had gathered in Fred’s compound. Fred stood up to address them where he told them that most of them were currently engaged in Rubber Tapping not because they liked it but because there were no better alternatives to resort to as a source of livelihood. He reminded them of how their lives can be improved if only we had responsible leadership that will hold the government and the oil companies to task. He informed them also, of efforts by concerned youths from all over Isoko to take a drastic action to address the situation but that he is facing enormous opposition from established institutions in the land. At that point, he told the youths that their destinies were in their hands. He also advised them of important steps they must take to ensure the planned youths’ action progressed unhindered. One of such actions was for the youths to protest to the palace to let them know of their support for Fred and warn of grievous consequences should any of the leaders stand in the way of the struggle. The Youths were also motivated to visit the Police Station for same mission. While some throng to the palace and the Police Station, others volunteered to become Fred’s body guards. Hence a military command was born with the Field Marshall at the apex of the command structure.

I had mention something about the ‘‘Monrovia’’ and ‘‘Casablanca’’ groups earlier. Fred understood early enough that due to the divergence of visions in the two groups, he may struggle to get things done if they operated a democratic structure where Majority carries the day. He therefore ingeniously devised the Military-like structure where commands are issued and obeyed.


On paper, the plan was simple. Mobilise enough ‘gallant’ youths to all the flow stations simultaneously, persuade the staff to peacefully shut down the operations or forcefully shut down the operations irrespective of the consequences. There was this major challenge however: All flow stations in Isokoland are heavily guarded with armed men. Fred was however not sending the youths on a suicide mission. He ensured enough planning and preparations took place to ensure zero casualty. The operation was planned to take place in about one month’s time. A major event however dramatically altered their plans.

Fred and his exco were invited to meet with a retired Senior military officer where again, threats were issued warning the youths that they will suffer incalculable consequences if they went ahead with their plans. Fred engaged the retired senior military officer reminding him of a popular statement the officer made while in service which shows that the officer believed so much in justice. The meeting ended on a note of ‘’DARE IT AND SEE’’.

As soon as Fred and his team left the officer’s compound, Fred realize that any further delay might jeopardize the planned action given the mounting opposition from high quarters within Isoko. Right there, outside the officer’s compound, Fred informed his exco that plans have changed. The operations had to be carried out that night. He detailed one of his lieutenants to lead the squad that will shut down Oleh-Olomoro flow station. Another lieutenant was to lead a team to shut down the Uzere flow station. Two other Lieutenants were assigned to lead teams to shut down Oroni (Igbide) and the Owhe flow stations respectively. Fred was personally going to lead the team that will shut down the Ogini (Ozoro) flow station. All teams must move simultaneously by 3am and report back to Fred Obe’s base by 4am. By 4am, the reports from various teams came that mission was successful.

However, one particular team- the team meant to shut down the Owhe flow station were unsuccessful. A new drilling operations was ongoing and there was massive presence of heavily armed military personnel on site. The team assessed its strength and knew that they can’t be successful with the size of personnel they had. To ordinary humans, 4/5 will be considered a huge success but not with Fred. He sent for all teams to converge at his place in Ozoro that morning for onward movement to the Owhe flow station. As far as Fred was concerned, the only way to draw the attention of the government and the international community to the sorry plight of his Isoko people is to ENSURE ZERO OIL FLOWS FROM ISOKOLAND. Should the Owhe flow station continue to be in operation, Fred considers that the message won’t be loud enough.

By 7am, Fred personally leading all the teams now stormed the Owhe flow station. He ordered that they should shut down the operations. The soldiers were set. Fred was insisting that they peacefully shut down the operations or he forcefully shut it down daring the soldiers. The whiteman who was the most senior official on site came and pleaded with the youths explaining to them the incalculable loss the company will incur if they were to shut down the rig. Fred and his team stood their grounds. Shut down peacefully or we shut it forcefully. The whiteman seeing that if a confrontation were to take place between the youths and the soldiers, it was going to be a Mutually Assured Destruction with massive bloodbath, he then ordered that the operations be shut down. Hence, Operation ZERO OIL FLOW FROM ISOKOLAND WAS ACHIEVED. What a DARING MOVE! Oh what a Courageous breed of youths! The operations took place in the WEE HOURS of December 16, 1998.


After the operations, Fred released the document titled WHY WE STRUCK (AKA THE ISOKO CHARTER) to the press (See attached photos). The document stated the agelong marginalisation of the Isoko people by the government and SPDC as the reason for the youth’s action. The full transcript of the Isoko charter has been posted by me earlier today. The following 7 minimum demands were made as the condition for SPDC to resume operations in Isoko.

1. Creation of 2 more Local Government Areas for the Isoko people which must include the Isokos in Ndokwa East LGA

2. Appointment of an Isoko person into the reconstituted OMPADEC for Equitable representation of all oil producing Tribes.

3. Payment by SPDC of 50 billion Naira to set up a Development Trust Fund for Isokoland to ameliorate the damage of over three cades of oil exploration and exploitation

4. Immediate employment of all employable Isoko youths by the SPDC and her contractors working in Isokoland

5. Immediate registration as Contractors by SPDC of all those qualified to be so registered.

6. Re-Opening of the Ozoro Polytechnic by the Delta State government

7. Tarring of All untarred roads in Isokoland
What an all-encompassing, selfless demands. As far back as 1998, Fred had started fighting for our people in Isoko-Ame.


For the first time in the history of the Isoko nation, Isoko occupied the FRONT PAGE of several national dailies – Nigerian Tribune, The Punch, Vanguard, The Post Express, The Guardian and Daily Champion all had the Isoko Youths action in their front pages.( see attached photos). Even Tell Magazine gave it extensive coverage

The international media also gave the youths’ action wide coverage as international oil prices reacted to the Shut Down.

As an aside, our daddy, Chief Godswill Edegware who was then Chairman of Isoko Community Oil Producing Forum (ICOPROF) Spoke to the press supporting the youths’ action (See the Guardian and Daily Champion). Also, Uncle Dan Odhomo, no be today ooo. I sight you ooo (See Tell Magazine).


Having gone through the Isoko Charter, I discovered that the Isoko nation had taken steps towards self-determination over the criminal marginalisation of Isokoland long before the MASSOB/IPOB present Biafra revival song. Long before the present Arewa threats but what I find interesting about the Isoko Self-determination bid is that it was a patriotic, not treasonable step as seen by the window for reconciliation left open by the Isoko 7 Point demand.

Another remarkable difference is that the Isoko patriotic Self-determination charter was made under more dangerous environment- Under Military rule! This is a loud proof to the world that we the Isokos , traditionally valiant and courageous, can rise up to any occasion that the Nigerian troubled marriage of convenience may throw up!

Moreover, one notices that that unprecedented action taken by the youths against the ruling military junta and SPDC put the Isoko nation on the world map as a marginalised oil producing ethnic nationality of the Niger-Delta of Nigeria as ALL the Newspapers of Nigeria made the epoch-making event FRONT PAGE NEWS, just as the foreign press also gave it prime time coverage for several days as the world oil prices reacted to the Isoko Youths action.

Also, the Isoko threat of self-determination then is different from what other ethnic groups are doing now because the then military authorities actually acknowledged that the Isoko nation was indeed marginalised. The youth’s action spurred the federal government to invite the leader of the Isoko Revolution, Chief Fred Obe to Aso Rock when talks with the then military Administrator of the state, Navy Commander Walter Feghabo had failed. This invitation would have fazed lily-livered men. Fred’s visit to Aso Rock was another act of uncommon courage as most Isoko leaders thought that he will not come back from that trip alive (remember, Ken Saro-Wiwa had just been executed a few years back). One is still in awe to imagine one small student of Unilag who was studying law as at that time, declared wanted by the military authorities, now invited to Aso Rock ALONE to face the military authorities with all members of the Provisional Ruling Council, all Military Administrators of the States, DG of SSS, IG of Police present. What an act of uncommon courage! I duff my hat FM Fred Obe.

Of course one can imagine the hostile atmosphere that greeted Fred at the Aso Rock chamber. However, after addressing the council, then Military head of State, General Abdulsalami Abubakar made the following remark: ‘’ Young man, after listening to you, I conclude that you must either be a Teacher or a Pastor or a Lawyer or General Trouble Maker. However, I agree that you have made an Unassailable case for your people’’. He then directed that talks be set up between SPDC, Federal Govt and the Isoko Youths with Walter Feghabor as Chief Mediator. This action by Abdusalami immediately convinced the Isoko nation to fully remain in the Nigeria family by totalling stopping all self-determination moves.

Again, after the meeting, Fred and the entire members of the PRC posed for the tradition group photograph after which State House Correspondents approached Fred to ask what was the position of things then. Guess Fred’s answer? He told the press that NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR NOW ( This must be that occasion that my community’s President General recently re-lived to Umuakpo Ovie and I when we visited him where he stated that watching Fred Obe addressing the Press on NTA then, he couldn’t have been more proud as an Isoko man)! Barr Fred, you see why I dey beg you to stay clear of any elective office so? You have done things for Isoko that place you in the realm of the extraordinary human. If we were in ancient Greece, perhaps, images of Fred would have adorn all communities in Isoko with fervent worshippers but we Isokos are Christians and will not worship you Fred but the honour that is due you, you will get Fred.


Following General Abdulsallami’s instruction to Navy Commander Feghabor to set up a meeting between the SPDC and the Isoko Youths for negotiations, different rounds of negotiations ensued.

Here, we look at the negotiations that took place about SIX times between SPDC and the Isoko nation with the then Commanding Officer of the Ejoor Barracks, Col. Jesu Orobo acting as Chief Mediator on behalf of Navy Captain Walter Feghabo. Fred Obe was Chief Negotiator on behalf of the Isoko nation facing SPDC’s formidable Armanda of Negotiators. The INYM ensured that the IDU were always present at each round of negotiations.

What are the gains of those negotiations?

1. Two roads, one in Isoko North LGA ( Ellu-Ovrode-Ofagbe-Orie) and the other in Isoko South (Emede-Igbide-Enwhe-Unenurie) to link up Isoko to the East-West road were constructed by SPDC

2. Shell released N13.1 Million for electrification projects in Isoko

3. Shell also released N18.1 Million for the construction of the Isoko House

Looking at the 7 point demand of the Isoko Charter, we can see that some have been met while others are yet to be met indicating that there is work to be done.


1. Ozoro Polytechnic is now Open

2. About 3 Isokos have been appointed into the board of the NDDC (the successor to OMPADEC)

3. A couple of roads (See above) in Isoko have been tarred by the SPDC

We do not have the statistics of the number of Isoko sons and daughters that have been employed by the SPDC (or their successor companies NPDC and Heritage) or the number of Isokos that are registered Contractors, so it is difficult to assess how we have fared in respect of those demands.

The creation of additional Local Government Area for the Isokos is a demand that has not been met yet and the earnest expectations of the creatures of Isoko nation are asking this question: WHO WILL BE THE NEXT FRED OBE FOR THE ISOKO NATION to champion this fight?
Let me quickly add here that seeing that this boy, Fred is capable of becoming a constant thorn in their flesh, efforts were made from certain quarters to compromise him after the negotiations. Serious juicy offers were dangled his way which he turned down.


1. Non of the demands was for personal gain

2. Youths were are at the forefront of the struggle and the negotiations but they ensured they were not the executors of the agreements reached rather allowing the IDU to be the executors. For instance, as a fallout of the negotiations between the youths and SPDC, N13.1 million was paid to the Chief Iduh Amaidhe led exco ( Which succeeded the Chief Ovuorie led IDU that collaborated with the youths to form the INYM) for the procurement of a circuit breaker to boost electricity in Isokoland and to extend electricity to Isoko Villages that had not been connected to the national grid while N18.1 million was paid to the Chief APJ Okpakpor led IDU ( which succeeded the Chief Iduh Amaidhe led exco) for the construction of the Isoko house. The Youths totally ensured they were not directly involved in the execution of the agreements at all. What an uncommon spirit of selflessness that is quite lacking these days! Of course, the two roads that were constructed in Isoko North ( Ellu- Ovrode-Ofagbe-Orie) and Isoko South (Emede-Igbide-Enwhe-Unenurie) as a result of the Youths’ action were directly awarded to competent Road Construction Companies by SPDC.

3. Courage and Patriotism. Unlike their Ijaw Counterparts, Fred Obe and his team did not have the shield and protection that the creeks provide. They operated in upland environment.


It is worth mentioning that unlike what currently obtains today, the Isoko Youths were leading lights in the Niger-Delta Struggle. The holy book is very unequivocal when it states that ‘‘A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house’’. The Niger Deltans saw what Fred Obe had achieved with the Isoko National Youths Movement that they elected him to the office of the President of the Niger Delta Youths Movement. To put things in proper perspective, there was a certain Asari Dokubo who was President of the Ijaw Youths Movement at that time.

Isoko became the first port of call for any dealings the federal government wanted to have with Niger-Delta youths for example, in the Olusegun Obasanjo Empowerment program, Poverty Alleviation, all the slots were given to Obe to distribute among Niger-Delta Youths( See attached letter from the Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development). Needless to say that Fred couldn’t have distributed those slots without Isoko Youths having her own fair share.
For the Niger-Delta region, Fred worked tirelessly to achieve peace in the region from the beginning of the present civilian administration in 1999 till 2002 (See photo of a Niger-Delta Peace Summit Fred Organised where he ensured that our own doyen of Isoko politics, Chief James Otobo chaired the occasion, an honour Chief Otobo never took for granted that he mentioned it in his auto biography-also see attached photo).

Perhaps his most important achievements for the region was the establishment of the NDDC which he joined other Niger Delta Patriots to fight for and most significantly, the creation of the Youths Directorate in the NDDC which Fred personally championed in 2001 during his visit to Aso Rock on September 11 that same year and which an Isoko Son, a former member of Fred Obe’s Exco was the first Director.


Let me start concluding by apologising to Fred on behalf of every Isoko who have misrepresented what the struggle he led stood for. I know you have been misrepresented on several occasions and you have suffered in silence due to persecution from the people you fought to liberate. I also want you to find comfort in the fact that even though a small minority have sometimes misrepresented the struggle you led, most other Isokos value you. Little Wonder, the Doyen of Isoko Politics, Late Chief Ekpre James Otobo recognised your contributions to the Isoko nation and nominated you into the Isoko Elders’ Council. What an honour for a young Fred to be nominated into a council of select Isoko elders that comprise Chief Ekpre Otobo, Chief A.K Ubeku, Chief Mallam-Obi, Chief Uredi, Chief Ode, Chief APJ Okpakpor among others!

After all said and done, this is a story of an Isoko boy who was a nobody, saw the helplessness and suffering in the Isoko nation, he decided to act, putting his life, education and everything on the line to fight for his beloved Isoko nation without any form of remuneration, and in a very dangerous era. What Patriotism!

We can only continue to duff our hats to salute this proper flesh and blood Field Marshall (not a paper tiger General) who came, saw the inhuman marginalisation of his people and acted to conquer.

In conclusion, let this story of the Fred Obe Revolution be a constant reminder to all of us (all Isoko people-men, women, boys and girls) of what the Isoko Spirit can achieve. Let it constantly remind us of the noble virtues for which the the Iskos were known for- Valour, Undiluted Love for our land, brotherly love for one another, trust, sincerity and a Never-Say-Die spirit.

Let us (All Isoko People) be challenged from now henceforth to adopt President Kennedy’s message in his inaugural speech to the American people in 1961 wherein he charged them to rededicate themselves to what they can do for America; not what America can do for them. From now on, let the swansong be what we can do for Isokoland and not what we can appropriate to ourselves from the common wealth of the land.

I am hereby proposing that just like the Ogonis have the Ogoni Day and the Ijaws have the Isaac Adaka Boro Day Celebrations annually, the Isokos should start celebrating the Fred Obe Day annually. I am proposing December 16 of every year ( The day the Isoko Charter was released) or Dec 27 (the day Fred Obe first went underground after been declared wanted by the military authorities) for the celebration to hold. It should be a day all Isokos will use to rededicate themselves to patriotic and selfless service to the land, love for one another and forgiveness (AS FOR ME, TO WALK THE TALK, I HEREBY LIFT THE SELF-IMPOSED BAN I PLACED ON MAKING POSTS IN UNR) that is absent now. All these ingredients that were encapsulated in the Fred Obe’s struggle. A day where lectures will be given and deserving persons who have displayed all these virtues are inducted into the Isoko Hall of Fame.

Let this story help rekindle and constantly keep the flame alive of the patriotism I am proposing. I intend as soon as possible, in conjunction with other progressive Isoko Like minds, distil into a pamphlet and publish the Isoko Charter so as to enable every Isoko (students, farmers, market women, politicians, civil servants, just every Isoko) to have copy Just like the Ogoni Bill of Rights and other tribes which have such copies available to them.

Thank you my people for being patient to read this long article.

Enyaharo Isoko, Oye ma gwolo.

God Bless The Isoko Nation


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